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How do I install the Thinkware Heat Shield?Updated a year ago

The U3000 and Q1000 heat shield is a specialized film designed to block heat, which is mounted on the windshield before the dash cam. This will help with preventing overheating and provide extra protection if you happen to live in a sunny and warmer region. 

Here’s how you can install it on your windshield:

1. Locate where to mount the heat shield and wipe it with a microfibre cloth. 

2. Attach the heat-blocking film to the windshield. Make sure the front camera is not blocked.

3. Remove the protective film from the adhesive mount, and then press the mount to the heat-blocking film.

4. Push the mount against the windshield to ensure that the mount is firmly fixed.

5. Align the dash cam to the mount, and then slide it into the locking position until you hear a click. Note that the dash cam may fall if it is not firmly fixed to the mount.

6. Finally, set the vertical angle of the camera appropriately. To confirm the desired camera angle, you can check the video using the dedicated mobile app or the PC viewer. 

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