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My Thinkware camera is not going into parking mode with the IROAD OBD-II cableUpdated 2 years ago

If your Thinkware dash cam is not going into parking mode when connected with the IROAD OBD-II Power cable, then it's important to check that the parking mode switch on the OBD cable is turned on, and parking mode is enabled in the camera's settings.

There is a parking mode switch on the IROAD OBD-II power cable, by where it attaches to the vehicle. On the left it will say S, for standard recording(no parking mode) and on the right it will say P for parking. Rest assured that when the cable is set to P, it will still record in standard mode when the vehicle is turned on. An image of the electric cable for reference:

Most Thinkware cameras have parking mode disabled by default in the settings of the camera. Please connect to the camera wifi and use the corresponding Thinkware application to connect. Parking mode is found in the record settings menu.

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