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See our most frequently-asked questions about FineVu dash cams.

What is "On-Time Notification"?

The On-Time Notification tells you what time it is over the course of your trip verbally, generally at the turn of a new hour. For example, at 9:00 am, the camera will say: "It is 9 o'clock.". We love hearing from our customers, and we'd love to get

What is the default password for my FineVu dash cam?

The default password for the FineVu dash camera's wifi network is 12345678. We love hearing from our customers, and we'd love to get your feedback to further improve your experience with us. Let us know how we're doing, or contact our support team (i

How do I format the SD card with my FineVu camera?

All FineVu models can easily be formatted by holding down the record button for 5~ seconds. This is required when first using the camera, as the camera will otherwise not be able to record, regardless of the format type of the SD card. This is notabl