What if I wanted to change, cancel, exchange or upgrade my dash cam after I have placed my order? Can you help?Updated 2 years ago
Changes & Cancellations
If you'd like to cancel or change your order, please call 1 (888) 978 6560 as soon as possible. We'll do everything we can to accommodate your request. But please bear in mind that our order-fulfillment and shipping systems are designed to get orders on their way quickly and efficiently. Therefore, we cannot change or cancel an order once it has entered the shipping process. Please refer to our returns policy for information on returning or exchanging items you have ordered.
Please note: If you cancel an item that qualified you for a promotion or special deal, you may no longer receive that discount or promotion.
Online Returns
We fully stand behind our products and are absolutely confident that they will meet and exceed your highest expectations. However, within 30 days of purchase, if you are unhappy with your unit or if you simply wanted to try out a dash cam, we will refund your money. No questions asked, no restocking fees. Simply contact us so that we can get your request started. Please note any shipping fees are not refundable
There are no returns or exchanges on final sale merchandise, either online or in stores. Learn more about our Return Policy.
Advanced RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization)
Advanced RMA is an option for customers who want to exchange/upgrade their dash cam without having to be without a dash cam (shipping time back and forth). Customers simply have to pay a deposit for the additional unit, and we will refund the amount as soon as the unit being exchanged/upgraded is sent to us.
Please note there is a $10 non-refundable service fee for this service. Please contact our team if you're interested in this service for your dash cam.
We kindly ask that you ship the package out within 30 days of receiving our email or we may reject your RMA claim.
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