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The date/time stamp on the recordings on my BlackVue dash cam is incorrect. How do I fix it?Updated 2 years ago

Here's what we recommend trying:

  • Upgrade the dash cam's firmware to the latest version available on the BlackVue website.
  • For the dash cams without built-in or externally connected GPS module, Run the Time setting program available on the BlackVue website.
  • For the dash cams with built-in or externally connected GPS module, it is not necessary to run the Time setting program if the dash cam's GPS is working properly.
  • Once the dash cam upgrades the firmware and says "Starting Normal Recording", connect your smartphone to the dash cam to set the time zone and other settings in the dash cam/firmware settings.
  • If the dash cam the problem of the incorrect date/time persists even after following the above steps, please contact the seller for the RMA service.

If these don't work:

Your BlackVue dash cam's internal RTC battery may have gone bad, unfortunately.

The RTC battery is a small internal component of the dash cam whose sole purpose is to keep accurate track of the time. This is why, if you've ever shut down your dash cam, the time is still correct once you power the dash cam on again.

Depending on your order, you may or may not be covered under warranty for this. Please contact our support team, provide your order information and we can happily provide more details.

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