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How do I place an order on the BlackboxMyCar website?Updated 2 years ago

When you're done shopping, click "Checkout" to place your order. All of the items in your shopping cart appear in your order during checkout. If you don't want to order all of the items, simply edit your shopping cart. During checkout, you will be asked to provide:

  • Your e-mail address and password, for security purposes;
  • The address you want to ship to;
  • Your preferred shipping method;
  • Any gift options;
  • Your credit card type, number and expiration date; and,
  • Any promotional codes you have received.

You will have a chance to verify the information during checkout, if no changes are necessary proceed to "Place Order". You will also receive an e-mail confirming that your order has been received within approximately 24 hours. We will send you another e-mail to notify you when your order has been shipped and that we've charged your credit card.

What if I don't want to place an order online?

That's okay! If you prefer not to order online, you may call us with your information at 1 (888) 978 6560 or email us directly at [email protected].

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