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My BlackVue dash cam is restarting randomly. How do I fix it?Updated 2 years ago

Sorry to hear that your BlackVue camera is restarting randomly! Generally, this indicates that the camera is getting power, but that there are software related issues with the unit. Here's a video covering some of the common issues: 


f you are using a third-party microSD card in BlackVue dashcam, it can cause the dashcam to reboot randomly. You can try to troubleshoot the issue by formatting the microSD card, or updating the firmware. But if the issue recurs, we recommend using a BlackVue microSD card. [How to buy the BlackVue microSD card

In case you are using a BlackVue microSD card but the dashcam reboots randomly, format the microSD card, or update the firmware and insert it in the dashcam.

If the issue recurs with the BlackVue microSD card even after formatting it / firmware upgrade, and your are using blackvue models other than DR900S and DR750S, please send the following details to BlackVue at [email protected] for further examination of the issue:

  1. "Config" and "System" folders from the " BlackVue" folder inside the microSD card. (To get them, turn off the dashcam --> take out the microSD card --> connect it to your computer using the microSD card reader --> open the microSD card drive --> open "BlackVue" folder -->from there, zip the "Config" and "System" folders only and attach them to the email.)
  2. The most recent date when the restarting issue occurred.
  3. The microSD card model and storage capacity.
  4. How long have you been using the microSD card? 

Important Notes

  • It is recommended to format the microSD card at least once a month to avoid any operational issues related to the microSD card.
  • If you are using a microSD card for more than six months, it is recommended to get a new one. -The BlackVue microSD cards have a six-month warranty period. You can contact the seller for the replacement of the faulty BlackVue microSD card within the warranty period.
  • The main requirement (aside from the microSD card being Class 10) is that the microSD card must be formatted as FAT 32 [windows] or MS-DOS (FAT) [mac].
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